Saturday, December 30, 2017

Have had a few lessons since the last post. Not much time for in-between rides, though, as life stupidly hectic going in to Christmas.

We haven't been doing as much no-stirrups work, though based on yesterday's lesson I probably should do more again. I hadn't ridden in a week and a half because of holiday chaos, and going out of town, so I was feeling a bit rusty.

My last few lessons prior to that one, I was getting a bit nervous at the canter for whatever reason. I think tension and stress from running the store was bringing up my base anxiety, so things that would normally raise it a bit but keep it in a manageable place were instead getting into the yellow, more than usual.

Yesterday, I wasn't feeling nervous at the canter. But I did find myself riding in a bit of a light seat instead of letting myself sit deep and open my hips. I would manage for a few strides, but then revert to hovering a bit. Honestly, I didn't try that hard to sit deep; I was just happy that cantering wasn't wigging me out. It felt good, but I didn't feel like fighting my body at the same time. Take the little wins when you get them, I figure?

As much as I was a bit locked up, I suppose, it didn't feel like real TENSION. More like my body had temporarily forgotten how to get that awesome open-hips feeling. Or was too tired to bother. Either way. I'm not too worried about it this time. It's been coming back to me more often than not, lately, so I'm sure I can access it again once I get myself reoriented. What a crazy few weeks.

Had a cute moment with the mare the other morning. Went out to check the trough and she came up to me, frisked me all over with her lips, tried to pull the gloves out of my hand that was holding them, then started licking my other hand the way Syd does. Maybe a salt thing? Either way, it was uncharacteristically affectionate for her. Usually she's just tolerantly indifferent.

Oh, I didn't particularly notice it yesterday, but one funny thing that's been happening lately: she has mostly stopped walking off with me once I've mounted! Not that it's a BIG problem with her, but she usually takes a few steps and has to be halted. Most recent rides, she has actually just stayed in place and waited for a cue to walk! Woohoo!

One nice thing: I was discussing my fear of spooking with my coach, and brought up the day that M was extra spooky and I was worried I might come off. I said I was impressed that I HAD kept my seat. She said "You have a great seat," in a "well DUH" tone that I took as quite a compliment. :)

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